Tools & Techniques - Key Performance Indicators

Introduction To date, I've facilitated senior level reporting on the performance of security driven activity in almost every position I've held. For the best part, this has been a green-field requirement which has meant that I've been able to set out and make a case for reporting that drives improvement in the real-world security posture (RWSP) of my charge from the get-go. I believe, no matter what else is going on, that if you can inform the changes and behaviours that lead to your organisation protecting itself, you've had a good day. Secondly to driving improvement, KPIs and metrics provide your leadership team with the insight and visibility into the efforts and valuable work of your security team which might otherwise be hidden from them. There is no shortage of materials and musings about the importance of security KPIs however, despite this, many organisations struggle in a number of ways to define and/or employ them. I thought then I'd share some...