Developing Leeds Scene

Conscious that it's been some time since I wrote a post so I thought I'd write a little something about the developing Leeds 'scene' since co-founding DC151 and helping (albeit a little) with BSides Leeds. DC151 (Every 2nd Wednesday) I'd complained for years that Leeds had no regular social gathering for people like us so when Mark C announced BSides Leeds and everyone looked this way I picked up the phone and start texting. After some hurried planning I agreed a format and charter with Matt and we committed to a date for the first gathering, October 11th. We gave ourselves around two months to sort everything, including finding a venue. So far we've now held four gatherings and I couldn't be happier with how it's worked out. We've had to learn as we go and tweak the format along the way. We've had some great talks and we continue to receive support and attract interest beyond LS1. If you're interested in com...